Tylosin phosphate …………………………………………… 100 gm
Carrier………………………………………………………………………….. Q.S.
– Prevention of vertical transmission of mycoplasma.
– Superior egg quality.
– Increases egg production.
– Superior chicken quality.
– Increases hatchability.
– Superior feed efficiency.
Inclusion Rate:
In Layers:
500 gm per ton of finished feed (50 ppm) from the point of lay till 42nd week,
200 gm per ton of finished feed (20 ppm) from 43rd week to culling.
In Broilers: 200 gm per ton of finished feed (20 ppm) from day 1st till 45th day.
In Breeders: 500 gm per ton of finished feed (50 ppm) from point of lay to culling.