Roxarsone is organoarsenic compound used in poultry production as feed additive to increase weight gain & improve feed efficiency. It also works as coccidiostat.
Each Kg of Roxarmix contains:
Roxarsone …………….. 20%
Carrier …………………….. Q.S.
Main Effects:
– Promotes growth.
– Improves feed conversion ratio.
– Promotes livestock pigmentation.
– Promotes skin ruddy and shining, more fresh and delicious.
– Prevents and treats of bacterial enteritis.
– Prevents chicken synovial phlogistic, chicken blackhead disease and CRD.
Secondery effects:
Aids in the control of coccidiosis combined with anticoccidial drug.
Do not feed to Laying hens.
Feed continuously as a sole source of organoarsenic.
Birds should have access to drinking water at all times.
(Lack of water intake or overdose may result in leg weakness or paralysis)
Dosage and Administration:
Growing Chickens & Turkeys:
50 gm per ton of complete feed when used alone.
Withdrawal period:
5 days before slaughter.
5 Kg, 10 Kg