Methionine is an essential amino acid which plays a major roles in optimizing the growth and production, performance of Broilers, Layers & Breeders.
Certain plants contain high quality of methionine activity & other amino acids in a readily digestible
HERBIOMETH is developed from active plant material with high methionine activity.
It provides optimum methionine activity for maximum growth & production.
Acts as methyl donor & can be more effectively use as compared to synthetic methionine.
– For Better FCR.
– For maintaining optimum growth and production.
– To optimise egg production and bigger egg size in Layers and Breeders.
– For better performance of Layer, Broiler and Breeder Birds.
– Provides energy so that birds remain in healthy & lively state.
Inclusion Rate:
1 kg of HERBIOMETH can replace 1 kg. of synthetic DL-mehionine from poultry ration, with higher and sustained methionine activity.
25 kg