Each 1000ml contains:
Calcium (Calcium Gluconate) ……………………… 16.50 g
Phosphorous (Sodium Phosphate) ………………8500 mg
Vitamin D3 (Cholcalciferol) ………………………….. 80000 I.U.
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) …………………… 1000 mcg
Cobalt (Cobalt Sulphate) ……………………………… 50 mg
Zinc (Zinc Sulphate) …………………………………….. 50 mg
Excipients …………………………………………………………. Q.S.
– Improves hatchability.
– Produces strong shell.
– Helps in normal absorption and utilization of Calcium and Phosphorous.
– Early chick nutrition.
– Improves growth and weight gain.
– Helps in metabolism and erythropoiesis.
– Prevents cage layer fatigue.
– Increases bone strength.
Inclusion Rate:
Poultry: 1 ml/ 5 Ltr of drinking water for 3-5 days.
1 Ltr & 5 Ltr