Enzymes are biological catalyst composed of proteins.
It plays essential role in poultry nutrition.
Each 1 Kg contains:
Xylanase ………………………………. 6,000,000 IU
Protease ……………………………. 2,000,000 HUT
Cellulase ……………………………… 15,000,000 U
Beta Glucanase ………………………… 500,000 U
Amylase …………………………………. 5,000,000 U
Phytase ………………………………. 1,000,000 FTU
Pectinase …………………………………… 70,000 IU
Mannanase ……………………………… 350,000 IU
Lipase ………………………………………….. 5,000 U
– Breaks Anti-nutritional factors.
– Makes nutrients available in the intestine.
– Improves utilization of Amino acids.
– Optimum feed utilization and hence improves FCR.
– Reduces mortality and incidence of diseases.
– Better weight gain.
– Increases availability of polysaccharides and polypeptides.
– Reduces loose droppings.
– Increases phosphorus availability from phytase.
– Increases calcium retention.
– Reduces loss of phosphorus.
Benefits of Individual Enzymes:
Xylanase: Acts on NSP’s.
Protease: Acts on Proteins.
Cellulase: Acts on cellulose Fibre.
Glucanase: Acts on Glucan.
Amylase: Acts on high starch.
Phytase: Acts on Phytate, Phytic acid Proteins.
Pectinase: Acts on pectins.
Usage & Administration Route:
Broilers: 300 to 350 g / MT of feed.
Breeders: 250 to 300 g / MT of feed.
Layers: 200 to 250 g / MT of feed.
Or as Advised by Veterinarian / Nutritionist.
25 Kg