A Unique Blend of Essential Oils Maintain Normal Respiratory Functions
Respiratory problems are very common in animals and it continues to cause serious economic losses for producers. Multiple agents are involved in the development of respiratory problems; they are divided into three main categories.
Upper Respiratory tract infections: These infections causes inflammation of the nostrils, throat (Pharynx) and windpipe (Trachea). The clinical signs are usually mild and involve coughing, nasal discharge, fever and a decreased appetite.
Diphtheria: This infection involves the larynx (voice box) and may occur alone or along with other respiratory infections. There are often loud noises during breathing and the swelling may severely restrict the air flow and result in death of the animal.
Pneumonia (Lower Respiratory tract infection): An infection of the lungs is often due to an extension of infection from the upper respiratory tract or a failure of the mechanisms which are designed to protect the lungs. It is much more serious and causes more severe signs that do an upper respiratory infection.
Curesp is an Herbal expectorant formulation, prepared from several important herbs. It plays a vital role to overcome respiratory infections followed by several aetiological factors.
Mixture of naturally derived essential oils:
Mentha x piperita, Pinus sylvestris, Eucalyptus globulus.
– Helps to normalize breathing function.
– Prevention from respiratory distresss thus preventing production losses.
– To prevent secondary bacterial complications & lower the chances of recurrence of
problem in flock.
– Improves FCR index & reduces mortality.
– Use in viral infections as influenza and I.B (Infection Bronchitis) to repair breathing.
Dosage & Administration:
Poultry: 200 ml per 1000 Ltr drinking water
Fogging: 300 ml per 1000 Ltr of water
Turkey: 200 ml per 1000 Ltr
Drinking water can also be applied through a spraying equipment with a fine nozzle or through an aerosol generation.
500 ml, 1 Ltr & 5 Ltr