Each 100 ml contains:
Silybum mariamum …………………………………… 6 gm
Boerhavia diffusa ……………………………………… 4 gm
Tephrosia purpurea …………………………………… 3 gm
Andrographis paniculata …………………………. 4 gm
Solanum nigrum ……………………………………….. 4 gm
Terminalia chebula …………………………………… 3 gm
Emblica officinalis ……………………………………… 3 gm
Eclipta alba ………………..,,,,,,,,,,,…………………. 2 gm
Trachyspermum ammi …………………………….. 1 gm
Zingiber officinalis …………………………………… 1 gm
Excipients …………………………………………………… Q.S.
– Increases the feed uptake.
– Enhances the utilization of feed by the animals thereby causing an increase in milk output in mammals and egg output in poultry.
– Stimulated the growth and induces weight gain.
– Aids the liver in detoxicating the aflatoxins and also exerts an anabolic effects.
– Detoxicate exogenous toxins which are ingested through drugs or environments.
– To be used as general liver protectant and growth promoter.
Dosage & Administration:
Chicks …………………………………………………………….. 5ml daily
Growers …………………………………………………………. 10ml daily
Broilers …………………………………………………………… 5-10ml daily
Layers & Breeders ……………………………………….. 15ml daily
Horses, Camel, Cows & Buffalos ………………. 40ml twice daily
Calves ……………………………………………………………… 20-25ml twice daily
Sheep & Goat ………………………………………………… 10-15ml twice daily
500 ml, 1 Ltr & 5 Ltr