Curcumin extract is the replacement of antibiotic growth promoters with other safe
and natural alternatives.
– Greater bodyweight gain, improves growth & productivity.
– Improves feed conversion ratio.
– Supplementation of layer diet with curcumin extract increases egg production, egg weight, egg mass and increased the yolk index.
– Stimulates the digestive system and increases the secretion of intestinal lipase, amylase, trypsin and chymotrypsin enzymes hence boosting digestibility.
– Dietary supplementation of Biocumin prevents the harmful effect of Aflatoxin B1 on the immune system, showing the humoral immune stimulatory potential in poultry.
– Boosts immunity.
– Improves meat quality.
– Improves carcass traits, total cholesterol & fat content in breast required meat of broiler chicken.
Dosage & Administration:
Broilers, Commercial Layers and Breeders
In all stages of growth :- 500 gm to 1 kg/ ton of feed
Aquaculture :- 1 to 2 kg/ ton of feed
Can be added directly to the mixture or mix required quantity with 5 kg soya doc and then add into the mixture.