It is a concentrated barley malt extract in liquid form, rich in iron, enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants, designed to support the health and recovery of animals experiencing digestive issues, anorexia, or nutritional stress.
Egg Production, Anorexia, Convalescence, General Debility, Retarded Growth, Osteomalacia, Anaemia, Rickets, Pregnancy, Lactation Stress, Milk Fever.
– Excellent usage of Malt Based balanced nutrients, rich in enzymes and high antioxidant activity, beneficial effect on the intestinal flora for debility & anorexia condition.
– It will correct both physical symptoms and decreased haemoglobin levels.
– Source of iron in treating iron-deficiency anaemia, pregnant & lactating animals.
– In growing chickens, Maltiron improves weight gain and feed intake, along with good feathering and improves nervous disorders.
– Improves egg production.
– Laying hens appear to be able to maintain body weight and egg production.
Inclusion Rate:
Dogs & Cats ………. 5-10 ml daily.
Sheep: ………………. 5-10 ml daily.
Large Animals
Cattle, Horse and Calves ………. 10-50 ml daily.
Breeders ………. 60-80 g/ 100 birds in drinking water.
Broilers ………… 40-60 g/ 100 birds in drinking water.
Layers ………….. 20-40 g/ 100 birds in drinking water.
Administration ………. Oral/ Through drinking water