Each kg contains:
Monensin Sodium ………… 200 gm
Carrier …………………………………… Q.S.
– As an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria acervulina, E. mitis, E. necatrix, E. maxima, E. tenella, and E. brunetti in broiler chickens.
– As an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria adenoeides, E. meleagrimitis and E. gallopavonis in growing turkeys.
Inclusion Rate:
Biosin-M premix be mixed with a small quantity of one of the feed ingredients before it is incorporated in the finished feed.
Broiler Chickens and growing Turkeys: 500 gm per ton of feed.
Withdrawal Period:
Do not use in chicken producing eggs.
25 kg