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Zeopro – AQ


Natural Zeolite with Probiotics

Zeopro- AQis a high-quality zeolite designed for aquaculture systems. Composed of zeolite and enriched with beneficial Bacillus species, this product improves water quality, helps to stabilize oxygen levels, and enhances gut health by controlling harmful bacteria.


By absorbing toxic gases like ammonia, nitrate, and hydrogen sulfide, and removing waste and odors, Zeopro- AQ creates a cleaner, healthier pond environment. It also supports plankton growth, improves soil ventilation, and provides essential micronutrients, ensuring optimal conditions for shrimp and fish growth and reproduction.


Mineral Zeolite ………………………………… 99.80%
Bacillus Species-NLT ……………………… 2000 Million CFU/gm

Chemical Composition:

SiO2 …………….. 550-60%
AI2O3 …………… 12-15%
Fe2O3 …………… 1-3%
CaO ……………… 12-16%


– It purifies the water and improves Oxygen content of water.

– Absorbs odour, suspended solids, waste and dirty material produced from unutilized feed, dead plants and fish etc.

– It absorbs toxic gases like Ammonia, Nitrate and Hydrogen Sulphide.

– Clean the pond by increasing growth and reproduction of Plankton.

– Improve mold of pond to make best ventilation for soil.

– Provides Micronutrients.

Inclusion Rate:

10-20 kg powder per acre of pond.

Or as advised by Aqua Consultant.


10 kg & 20 kg


Product Category:


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