Each gm contains:
Vitamin E …………………. 100 gm
Selenium …………………. 200 mcg
Biotin ………………………. 20 mcg
Carrier ……………………… Q.S.
– Maintains optimum fertility.
– To overcome leg weakness.
– Maintains maximum productivity.
– Reduces mortality due to stress and other factors.
– Ensures faster recovery from disease.
Dosage & Administration:
Broilers, Breeders & Layers : 100 to 150 g per ton of feed.
Should be given daily for 7 to 10 days every month or as recommended by Veterinarian.
Small Animals : 2 to 5 g per animal per day.
Large Animals : 10 to 15 g per animal per day.
500 gm, 1 kg