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Toxorb Liquid


Liquid Toxin Binder Cum Digestant


Each 100 ml contains:

Copper Sulphate …………… 8.00%

Glacial Acetic Acid ………… 2.00%

Propionic Acid ……………… 2.00%

Phosphoric Acid …………… 1.00%

Choline Chloride ……………0.05%

Excipients …………………….. Q.S.


– Acts well on toxins and moulds.

– Controls pathogenic bacteria in the gut.

– Decreases the chances of disease outbreaks.

– Increases the quality of water by reducing pH.

– Helps in liver stimulation, better digestion, absorption of nutrients.

– Helps to increase renal function and purity of blood.

– Helps to increase egg production in layers.

– Improves growth rate and body weight in broilers.

Inclusion Rate:


In drinking water: 1 ml/ 1 Litre of water 5-7 days each month.

In Feed:

250-500 ml/ metric ton of feed continuously.

LIVESTOCK: (Through drinking water)

Large Animals:

50-60 ml/ Animal, twice a day for 5-7 days.

Small Animals:

15-20 ml/ Animal, twice a day for 5-7 days.

Or as advised by a Veterinarian.


500 ml & 1 Ltr Bottle


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