Due to the tribomechanical activation process, the surface area of clinoptilolite particle is increased up to 48 times, which gives huge surface to bind many harmful substances.
The activated clinoptilolite particle, due to its negative charge have a strong binding capacity to polar molecules including free redicals, ammonia molecules, heavy metals and mycotoxins, mainly Aflatoxins. This detoxyfying effect is supported by an immune stimulatory effect to improve pathogenic elimination.
Epithelial M-cells are able to pick up tribomechanical activated clinoptilolite particles (smaller than 5 micron) and transport them to lymph nodes for B cell-stimulation resulting in an improved antibody production towards pathogenic epitopes.
ToxClin is 99% of Tribomechanically activated Clinoptilolite from volcanic origin (E567), a Hydrated Sodium Potassium Calcium Alumino-Silicate from the family of the Zeolite.
Organic Acids:
ToxClin is able to control Aflatoxin levels in compound animal feed and stimulate antibody levels to support elimination of harmful substances.
Inclusion Rate:
Poultry, Swine, Cattle:
1.5 Kg to 2.5 Kg per ton of feed
25 Kg