Each 100 gram contains:
Sodium Chloride ………………………. 6.5 g
Potassium Chloride …………………… 4 g
Sodium Bicarbonate ………………….. 3 g
Sodium Citrate …………………………. 6.5 g
Calcium Lactate ……………………….. 1.4 g
Magnesium Sulfate …………………… 1.0 g
Vitamin C …………………………………. 600 mg
Carrier ……………………………………………. Q.S.
– Maintains calcium-magnesium level, essential for eggshell formation.
– Maintains performance and production.
– Enhances intestinal microflora depleted due to heat stress.
– Prevents mortality due to heat stress.
– Must be given in diarrhea to prevent dehydration.
– Improves immunity systems.
Dosage & Administration:
For Poultry (100 Birds)
Growers, Broilers, Layers and Breeders:
5 gm in 2-4 litres of water or 250 gm per ton of feed.
Cattle: 10-20 gm per animal per day.
100 gm, 1 kg & 5 kg